Before applying
When and where will the event take place?

The event will take place from June 30th to July 3rd at Paris Sciences & Lettres Université.

May I apply for a scholarship?

AI4Health does not offer any scholarship.

What language will be used during this event?

This event will take place in English.

What is included in the registration fees?

Registration fees on the first day include access to plenary sessions, while registration fees for the four days include access to plenary sessions, plenary lectures and hands-on sessions.

All participants will receive a login and password after their payment confirmation. People participating remotely will be able to access live video streaming, and all participants will be able to access replays, through their user connection logins.

On site registration fees for the first day include lunch, coffee break and a cocktail dinner on the 30th of June. 

On site and hybrid registration fees for the four days also include lunches and coffee breaks for the whole event, a poster hallway, and a networking session with the event’s sponsors.

Who can apply?

Anyone with an interest in AI applied to health, preferentially with basic notions of machine learning. 


What are the minimum skills to participate in the Summer School?

For participants on the first day, no technical skills are required.

For participants for the 3-days of lessons and hands-on session, basic knowledge in machine learning (using Python or any other language) is required, as this is necessary to attend and benefit from the hands-on sessions.

How can I do for my institution to pay for my registration?

When you pay for your registration, you will be able to provide your company’s billing details. It will be up to you to request reimbursement from your institution after payment.

After registration
May I cancel my registration and be refunded?

Registration is firm and final, no refund can be provided.

Preparation for the school
What can I do if I cannot come to Paris?

If you cannot come to Paris, you will be able to register only for remote participation on the first day (which includes plenary sessions but does not include hands-on sessions).

How can I inform you of my disability?

You may send us an email at: ai4health@health-data-hub.fr

Will there be a networking session planned?

Yes, if you participate on-site you will be able to network during the cocktail dinner (June, 30th) and the poster hallway the other days.

Poster hallway

How can I participate in the poster session?

All on-site participants for the four days will be able to attend the poster hallway. If you want to present a poster, you need to submit an abstract during the registration process. If your abstract is selected, you will be able to present your poster. You will be required to print your poster (A0 in portrait orientation only) and bring it on site on the first or second day of the school.

School’s follow-up
When will I receive my participation certificate?

Once the event is over, you can send us an email request to receive your participation certificate, via “ai4health@health-data-hub.fr”, if you have attended all mandatory sessions (and had your presence checked at the on-site welcome desk).

Which sessions must be attended in order to be eligible to receive a certificate of attendance?
  • For the on-site attendance: You should attend at least 3 out of the 4 days of the summer school. In order for us to keep track of your attendance, you need to present yourself to the welcome desk everyday you come so we can keep track of your presence.
  • First day on-site and remote are not eligible for attendance certificate (you can use your payment confirmation if needed)